Thursday, January 13, 2011


It was a torrential down pour again yesterday but it came along with a FANTASTIC lightning storm!
We were getting off the bus and we looked over and saw a HUGE BLUE LIGHT.... like an explosion or something. So I am guessing it was a power line! A couple of girls and I decided that watching it from the porch wasn't that great so we went swimming in the ocean and watch the sky light up! I know it will be one of those nights that will ALWAYS be remembered!


  1. You are my daily "pick me up" I love to see the fun things you do every day! SO proud of you for going on this little adventure! You will always remember and NEVER regret or forget it!

  2. Did you just say you went swimming in a lightning storm??

  3. hahah
    lightning + cris + water= no seeing jason
    lets just make sure we learned our lesson this time!
    Love and miss you crust

  4. and did you say "see that thunder?"??? haha not possible. Sounds like 'swimming' was fun though

  5. ha I can just see you floating on your back in the ocean Ooohing and and Awwwing at the lightening storm Sandlot fireworks style. Thinking about it I'm like wow...that's not too intelligent. But thinking about it a little longer I just say to myself- yup, I probably would have been RIGHT there with you... that Island just puts a spell on ya. I agree with Kate, you've come to far to let a lightening storm ruin everything. ; ) love ya!
